We are Restoring all believers through divine connection with God, divinely connecting all believers, and extending God’s love to the world through divine connection (2Peter.1:4)
Join Live Service on ZoomRev David Bangura-Lead Pastor
Divine International Ministries (DIM) is a non-denominational ministry geared towards church planting that promotes the development of God’s kingdom through soul-winning by the Holy Spirit’s leading. Expect a loving environment that embraces all nationalities regardless of race or national origin, governed by the leading of the holy spirit with scripture (the holy bible) as our final authority in faith and godliness. DIM is family-focused as a disciple’s hub, prayer-focused, and Holy Spirit- driven with a drive for church planting. Our jurisdiction is Trinity-based, and the Bible is our final authority. DIM’s is an Assemblies of God affiliate. Our parent affiliate is Victory Assembly of God Church, with lead pastor Bennette Onwuchekwa.
We must take responsibility for taking the Gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth in the love God bestows on us through the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (Mt.28:18- 20; 22: 34-40)
We are Restoring all believers through divine connection with God, divinely connecting all believers, and extending God’s love to the world through divine connection (2Peter.1: 4). In short, “Connecting Upwards, connecting within, Connecting Outward.”
We believe now is the hour that true worshipers must worship God in Spirit and truth.
We believe that it is the church's responsibility as a body to take the Gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth through world missions and home missions, raising an army for God in the five-fold ministries according to Ephesians 4:1-16.
We believe it is Christ's mandate for us to make disciples of all nations and to expand God’s kingdom (Matt. 28: 19-20).
We believe the family is God’s divine unit of life that serves as a disciple hub for all children to impact society positively (Ps.78: 1-8).
We believe that the love of God revealed to us through Christ and the Holy Spirit must be shared with all people through acts of kindness (Luke 4:18-29).
We must surrender to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the authority of Scripture, the Holy Bible.
We believe in maintaining integrity in all areas of life.
We believe that fear of the Lord should govern all units of life, church, society, governmental and non-governmental organizations, etc.
ZELLE to: 346-461-2058/ 7133828842/ dimministries497@gmail.com
Mail to: 12034 Huntington Park Drive, Houston, TX, 77099
In-person giving: Tithe and offering: Offering Bowl.